European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences

The European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS) is a European non-profit organisation which works on promoting collaboration between non-profit scientific and technical societies in the field of chemistry. EuCheMS is an Associated Organisation of IUPAC. Evelyn McEwan is the General Secretary of EuCheMS.

EUCheMS is also member of the Initiative for Science in Europe.



The organisation was founded in 1970 and took over the role and responsibilities of the Federation of European Chemical Societies and Professional Institutions. The organisation has 50 Member Societies and supports 16 Divisions and Working Parties. All together EuCheMS represents more than 150.000 chemists all over Europe.

European Chemistry Congress

The EuCheMS Chemistry Congress is a biennial event, beginning in 2006 with the 1st conference in Budapest. Around 2300 parcicpants from more than 50 countries attended the congress. In 2008, the congress was held in Turin and again more than 2000 chemists followed the invitation to Italy, now coming from more than 65 nations. The 3rd EuCheMS Chemistry Congress from August 29 - September 2 2010 will be organized by the German Chemical Society on behalf of EuCheMS and Nürnberg was chosen to be the congress venue.

See also


External links